I found these a while back and decided to scan them. These are from about 6th or 7th grade. The ship has always been a favorite. I am not sure if it is was a sketch or just from my imagination. Not too bad for a 13-year-old. 🙂
Empty roads and empty buildings. Even if everyone was vaccinated, there is no telling what type of choice people will make about permanent Work From Home. Only time will tell.
These two photos are about two weeks apart. I find this a little crazy.
Exit the large highway that connects one state to another. Make your way past the shops and the homes of downtown. Ignore the suburbs for a moment. Get on a two lane road that cuts a county in two. You will notice farmland as far as you can see, ready for the coming winter months. Crisscrossing power lines make a triangle above the fertile landscape. Then, suddenly, you notice little dirt roads that seem to go nowhere. There. There you will find the magnificent windmills. Some are in groups and some stand alone. Creating much needed electricity for the surrounding…