My first visit home after the pandemic started.
Trials of the Turnpike and a Reality Check
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Let me start by saying that I was always happy to visit new places and explore, but only if it was someone else’s idea. Normally, it was a family trip that my dad planned or a field-trip with school. More recently, I have had the opportunity (important word choice) to take a few trips with my dad to some amazing locations around the country. I hope I will be able to pass down this type of legacy in my future. My current employer is pretty generous with their time off accruement and up until the last year or so, I…
This is one of my early poems that I thought I would share before the book comes out. 🙂 Wind in the Trees An invisible force that blows through the trees The branches embrace this powerful breeze, Swaying and dancing and waiting to say “Hello, don’t you see? It’s a beautiful day!” The trees wave to the birds, that fly overhead As the Moon runs off to bed. The rush of this force running through the leaves Sounds like the crashing waves of the sea. Is it part of Science, Superpower or God, Or just the Earth breathing, peaceful and…