I went on a short adventure today. After a month of not leaving the confines of my apartment complex, I hit the road to visit a local state park. The low humidity keeps me grounded in the fact that I am in my new state of Illinois. I start off easy with a couple different trails to get my bearings. It’s been months since I went on a proper hike. The trees are covered with leaves and create a sunshade overhead. The birds were singing about their summer plans and baby insects buzzed around my ankles. I am wearing my…
When the idea of working from home was mentioned as an option several weeks back, I treated it with a strange type of distain. I had always kept the different parts of my life very separate. My friends from different parts of my life did not meet until my Eagle Scout ceremony. As I have become older in years, I have slowly moved closer and closer to my work location. I wanted to be connected with the local community. That was the idea, anyway. My most recent move has brought me to within one mile from my workplace. The official…
A massNo movementLight snow covers the surfaceSolid ice into the depths Small birds long for fishNo chanceThe still air brings strained silenceWhites and Greys all aroundA clean canvas Sunlight barely peeks through the cloudsIts last minute attempt to warm the landWe enter the time of reverencePart of the organismOne
A presenceA feelingA loyal best friendLingering throughout the dayIt waitsJealous for attentionDeliberate as the NightMaking your world smallerContainedCreating borders for the eyesBridging earth and skyInciting fear among the nativesBringing artists inspirationDelightful precipitationHow dull is life without you?
Look up, I say Look up from your phone The virtual world with you on the throne Look at yourself, all bent out of shape Your spine curving forward Your fingers might break I promise, you’ll make it Just fifty feet more The door to the restroom I know it’s a bore Look out, there’s a person Yes, a human you know They wait for your smile Disappointment they show Glance out the window Take in the view Life in high definition Three-dimensional too