• Poetry

    Jealous Atmosphere

    A presenceA feelingA loyal best friendLingering throughout the dayIt waitsJealous for attentionDeliberate as the NightMaking your world smallerContainedCreating borders for the eyesBridging earth and skyInciting fear among the nativesBringing artists inspirationDelightful precipitationHow dull is life without you?

  • Poetry

    Look Up

    Look up, I say Look up from your phone The virtual world with you on the throne Look at yourself, all bent out of shape Your spine curving forward Your fingers might break I promise, you’ll make it Just fifty feet more The door to the restroom I know it’s a bore Look out, there’s a person Yes, a human you know They wait for your smile Disappointment they show Glance out the window Take in the view Life in high definition Three-dimensional too

  • Poetry

    Visual Cues

    Suspended Above the ground Like the tiny snowflakes that dance just outside Never to reach their destination Shielded from the bitter cold These walls of glass expose a fantasy Safe and warm, I observe the world Embrace the beauty, ignore the struggle Faded yellows and greens peek through the blanket of white Crops slowly dying after the recent harvest Dormant until Spring No insulation from the elements The dim sky wanes into darkness We conquer this small distraction We resist the emptiness Our powers are undeniable

  • Poetry

    Unexplored Lands

    Searching For a purpose For a reason For the right companions   Struggling To discover To endure To adapt   Fighting A culture A habit A changing world   Discovering New joys all around me New worlds to explore New love for my surroundings   Serving With my knowledge With my wisdom With my gifts    

  • Poetry

    Old Friends

    I release it all The guilt of past deeds The embarrassment of failures Missed opportunities Awkward moments no one noticed Trapped inside Too long Be free, old friends Dissipate into the atmosphere Catch the solar wind Travel far from here My mind is as quiet now Like the cold vacuum of Space Cautious confidence slowly emerges Reborn in fertile soil Taking hold with stronger roots

  • Poetry


    Warm enough to forget the snow No howling wind or frozen ponds Trees green with life Insects on the prowl Embracing the season before the deep-freeze Soft sunlight strikes the landscape A calmness permeates the senses Even a storm cannot shake this change Delayed in recovery It returns to its center Breathing gently Confident of the future Eager to bring comfort to the masses Striving for attention