Grandfather’s Legacy: Teaching Patience, Comfort as an Introvert, and Love for Music

I structured my memories about my grandfather into life lessons. I presented these at the service back in March and wanted to share here as well. Memory #1: When I was young, there was no question that I left unspoken. I knew not everyone wanted to talk all the time.…

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Purist Form

I was cleaning out my paper files after a recent move (more on that coming soon), and found the original notebook of my young 18-year-old mind in college.  This artifact of my poetry is just a piece of paper, but isn’t that amazing? This is a poem called Observations.  It…

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I’m not the only one who can write!

My dad recently wrote a book about personal finance. Check it out and share with friends. I’ll be playing it smart and getting the digital version. 😉

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