A burst of energy Created from Nothing Expands and contracts Into rocky worlds and gaseous moons Spinning around a sphere of plasma Unable to dodge the flares of liquid fire Protected by a blanket, formed at the core A planet, expansive, yet small in the eyes of the galaxy A dot of blue and green Sailing on an ocean of black In silent awe of its neighbors Of what was and is to come Ever curious, ever exploring Until the End
North To the City of Wind The cornfields and windmills quickly disappear Industry Large pipes of liquid gold cross over Freight at double our speed Buildings hide humans within We slow to a crawl as we approach People On the streets Waiting for something to begin Urgency never satisfied South To the State of the Flowers Mountains wave up at us Traveling at inconceivable speed Occasion Dress to impress Everyone you already know Witness a joining of lives Celebration Dance with a stranger Consume decadent dessert Adoption Into a new family More reasons to visit Reality Always changing A life…
Our metal tube lines up on a runway Anxious engines wait for the call Then roar to life when a deafening sound Bringing us to a speed beyond reason, comprehension Houses in grids tessellate to the horizon We rise, sharply, to the blue sky Clouds hide the ground Fluffy and full, a blanket in all directions The winged craft skips around A child during recess Reaching ever higher towards the Great Unknown Sailing the sea of cotton candy
Standing watch in the field once green Cloaked in fog Waiting for the winter winds Arms stretched wide, ready for action Tools of the future Patient for their time to shine Marking the separation of power Protectors of the small towns Bringing both delight and despair
A longing to be free again Away from this blank palette So many weeks of hiding Habits of the dark and cold Recycled air, recycle thoughts Broken by the obligation How long would this last without distraction? And so, I travel across the land Observing the food growing just beside me Only a few to feed the masses The sun beams down onto my skin Pale from the cloudy sky Or cloudy moods Organic is the world I digest To the horizon and beyond Separated by glass and steel Soundproof and windproof Filtered air hits my face Music surrounds me…
Driving a car has been a cultural phenomenon in this country for many years. The history is long and usually disturbing; however, my experience has been overall positive. I purchased a new car after my previous car was flooded in one of those famous Florida hurricanes. That car barely made it to 10,000 miles, and so this is a big accomplishment. My current vehicle is running strong, brought me to Illinois, and used to make my weekly commute to the big corporate building for work. There is nothing like blaring your music and cruising down the interstate going “65 mph”…