

Arriving early and finding a seat

Each table a circle for our eyes to meet.

All around, introductions are made

Deeper discussions and gratitude paid.

The leader shares a story of the present and past

How much longer will this meeting last?

We recognize heroes and goals that were met

Future plans are aplenty, now they are set.

Our minds filled with questions, of what will become

A new year fast approaches, an unknown outcome.

Then all of a sudden, the gathering ends

We return to our homes, as the light bends.

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2 Comments on “Gatherings

  1. Excellent poem! The more I read it, the more mind boggling it is how two meetings at two different places had so many similarities. I don’t know that it would have occurred to me like it did to you. It’s fun to watch your mind work. 🙂

    Also, were the categories, tags, and year headings on here before? I like those, but I don’t remember them.

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